Breck’s next housing project will be its biggest yet 

NOTE: This has been edited to update the location of Runway Neighborhood.

The next affordable housing project in the town of Breckenridge will be its biggest. 

Today town council is touring Block 11, where plans call for more than 100 units at the Runway Neighborhood. That is just off Airport Road, including the Airport Lot, home to Breck Resort’s free skier parking.

The Runway is slightly bigger than the Wellington neighborhood at French Gulch, but with a similar mix of homes and prices. 

The Runway is a mix of single-family homes, condos and townhomes, plus accessory dwelling units (ADUs), aka tiny homes made to fit over garages and other pre-built spaces. There could be up to 31 ADus scattered through the neighborhood along with the 100 standard units. 

Breck is calling Runway a true “affordable” neighborhood, where the average annual median income (AMI) is 100% for owners. Units are capped at $742,000 with prices as low as $351,000. First units could be ready by 2028. 

Council also toured the McCain property just north of Coyne Valley Road. Home constriction at the McCain has not started quite yet. The town is preparing for it though, realigning the Blue River and building a flood plain, and laying pavement for roads. 

Council’s housing tour ended at the Stables Neighborhood, where some homes are as much as $850,000. The town says it was never advertised as an “affordable” neighborhood, but rather a “workforce” neighborhood for middle-income locals.