Colorado cracks down on I-70 express lane violations. And it’s working. 

New, stricter penalties for mountain express lanes are working. Violations, like weaving in and out, or driving with a trailer in the express lane, are down 75 percent this year. 

I-70 Coalition claims this has been a priority of the state. 

Earlier this year the state took a closer look at when those express lanes are open. Gov. Jared Polis promised to make them more useful during peak travel. The Feds consider I-70 express lanes “auxiliary lanes,” and so they cannot be open 24/7. 

Vail Pass crack filling 6-7AM 

Be ready for staggered lane closures and slower speeds on I-70 at Vail Pass. 

Starting Aug. 26 CDOT is sealing cracks on weekdays only, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  

Work continues through early October.