In The Classroom: Summit Middle teacher makes the CO Teacher of the Year short list

Today we are IN THE CLASSROOM at Summit Middle School, where language arts teacher Ashley Smith is the toast of campus.

“Today we surprised Mrs. Ashley Smith as one of the seven finalists for Colorado Teacher of the Year,” state education commissioner Susana Córdova said when she personally delivered the news to Mrs. Smith, surrounded by principals, district administrators and Mrs. Smith’s entire classroom.

“This is our seventh surprise announcement, and in every case, you just leave the experience feeling like, ‘My gosh, these kids have such a great opportunity to be with such amazing teachers,” Córdova said.

Mrs. Smith is one of seven finalists out of nearly 100 semifinalists, 1,000 nominees and 55,000 teachers nationwide.

“What made Ashley stand out was the care she puts into her classroom, but also the way she makes everybody feel included,” Córdova said. “We just heard from her principal talking about what a rock she is. She doesn’t just create a welcoming environment for kids, but she does that for her teammates.”

Summit Middle principal Nelle Biggs gave her friend flowers and shared fond memories of their early years in the classroom.

“Mrs. Smith was my teacher bestie,” Biggs said. “Not only does she do amazing things for you, she makes our school better, she makes every one of us better (…) She is the center stone of who we want to be at Summit Middle School.”

And don’t just take it from the Commissioner. Take it from Mrs. Smith’s students.

“She’s really nice to us and she taught all my elder siblings, and they all say she’s an amazing teacher,” one girl said. “I was so excited for her class when I found out.”

Colorado Teacher of the Year is announced in October. Best of luck to Mrs. Smith! Thanks again for going IN THE CLASSROOM, proudly presented by Heavenly Times Hot Tubs and Billiards.