Lawsuit blames ‘negligent’ Breck lifties for deadly chairlift fall in 2023 

The family of a man who died in a chairlift fall at Breckenridge in 2023 is suing the mountain and parent company Vail Resorts, claiming negligence. 

Denver Post reports on the lawsuit, filed by two Colorado law firms on behalf of the man’s family in Illinois.  

60-year-old John Perucco fell from Zendo Chair, en route to Peak 6, on March 17, 2023. Witnesses say he was clearing ice from his seat soon after loading when he slipped, falling an estimated 25 feet to hardpack snow. He landed on the back of his head and neck, breaking his spine, clavicle and ribs, and suffering internal bleeding. 

Perucco’s family says he was a veteran skier with 46 years on the slopes, including 18 years as a volunteer ski patroller.   

The lawsuit claims lifties acted negligently when they did not sweep the chairlift seats before Perucco loaded. It also claims they opened the lift too quickly after the incident, which allegedly compromised the investigation by Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board. 

The board investigates all chairlift incidents statewide. It found the fall was not caused by a mechanical malfunction, and so the resort did not violate state law by reopening the chair. Tramway investigators do not comment on other factors in a fatal fall. 

The victim’s family wants a jury trial for an undisclosed amount. It would be heard in Summit County court.