Two snowmobilers tripped an avalanche on Vail Pass on the Monday of the President’s Day snowstorm, after more than three feet of snow in four days.
Colorado Avalanche Information Center reports the two were riding Shrine Bowl west of Vail Pass summit when a slide struck around noon. One man escaped unharmed. His riding partner was carried and buried.
The victim was buried more than an hour before Summit County Rescue Group pulled him from the snow, alive and talking, but cold. He was rushed to the hospital.
CAIC reports the buried man pulled an airbag when the slide struck. He was also wearing an avalanche beacon, but his partner had trouble detecting it until rescuers arrived.
At the time avalanche danger was rated “high” for Vail Pass and surrounding zones with a special avalanche warning in effect.
This is the first reported avalanche burial from the latest storm cycle.
On Feb. 14 a truck was swept off U.S. Highway 6 at Loveland Pass when an avalanche released from the Seven Sisters, a collection of slide paths just past Loveland Ski Area.