Local towns rally $300K to keep FIRC food market stocked 

For the first time in 30 years, the Family and Intercultural Resource Center is pleading with local towns: Help us keep our food markets stocked. 

“Summit families do not earn enough income to meet all of their basic needs and are typically one emergency away from losing their housing,” the FIRC’s Carl Decker told Frisco councilmembers at yesterday’s council meeting. 

The FIRC regularly sees four in ten Summit locals. Sixty-six percent of their money is going to rent, which leaves their pantries empty. 

“That can mean not having enough food,” Decker said. “That means skipping on your meals. That can mean not eating at all so your children can eat.” 

As Decker explained, what’s more expensive for you is more expensive for the FIRC. And need is higher than ever: Visits to the FIRC food market grew 60 percent from 2022 to 2023.  

The nonprofit requested $300,000 over two years to subsidize their food market. 

Frisco councilman Andrew Aerenson supported their mission, but questioned a recent rash of handouts. 

“Everybody coming in, willy nilly, to say, ‘We’re broke, we need your help,’” Aerenson said. “Yes, you are. And yes, you do. And I support it. But I support process more.” 

Mayor Hunter Mortensen countered, saying Frisco has recently revised its donation process. This FIRC request met all its criteria.  

Frisco approved $100,000 over two years.  

Breckenridge and Silverthorne will give the same.