Summit County balks at roads and a cell tower in Frisco’s Lake Hill water deal 

Summit County is reviewing a new and potentially divisive water deal for Lake Hill housing on Dam Road, where more than 400 units of affordable housing must tap into Frisco’s water system.  

Frisco Town Council approved the water deal on March 26 after months of legal counseling behind closed doors. But the deal comes with requirements for roads and other infrastructure not related to water, like a cell phone tower.  

According to Summit County, those requests are largely out of its control. For example, CDOT must study and approve any road updates to Dam Road. The state is drafting an upgrade proposal for nearby Exit 203 on I-70. 

Says a county spokesperson, Summit remains committed to Lake Hill. County commissioners hope to negotiate terms that keep this project moving.  

County officials have been exploring development at Lake Hill for more than a decade. The county purchased 45 acres there in 2016, but development has stalled multiple times, most recently for water negotiations.