Uptown 240 gets a new name. The new developer gets death threats.

Demolition begins soon on what’s left of Dillon’s disastrous Uptown 240 project.

The blighted hole in the ground has a new name, Waterview Residences, and a new owner, Detroit developer Jake Porritt. His company, Porritt Group, bought the bankrupt property for nearly $13 million from disgraced developer Danilo Ottoborgo.

Uptown 240 has been sitting dormant for so long — nearly 5 years — Porritt Group must tear down the old foundation to meet new state building standards.

Porritt tells Krystal 93 he has been getting death threats for his work on another Dillon project, where more than 200 lakeview condos might replace Ptarmigan Lodge and Arapahoe Cafe.

A town-approved master plan there also calls for ground-level retail and a public park. It would be the first of many buildings funded by a new metro district that could eventually pay for workforce housing, a parking structure and grocery store downtown — if locals get on board.

Dillon residents vote on that unnamed condo project next month. A “no” vote denies the master plan, but not Porritt’s plans for the property.

“The sentiment that we will go away, or a ‘no’ vote kills all projects, is irresponsible,’ Porritt says. “People suggesting this are being reckless.”

This is the first time in history Dillon locals have challenged a town-approved project through petition.