What’s up with rowdy barflies in this mountain town?

This April was the rowdiest month of ski season at watering holes in our mountain town of Frisco – and by far the rowdiest month in the past two seasons. 

Frisco police went on 53 bar checks in April alone. That’s an average of 1.8 calls every day, 49 more than April 2023 and 14 more than the previous high mark this March. 

Since December, cops have been called to 188 bar checks. That’s up 300 percent from the same time last year. 

What’s to blame? 

Frisco Police Chief Tom Wickman says, it’s hard to say. Bar and business checks depend on how many cops are on shift. The more cops, the more likely they can respond to calls for service. Staffing has improved at Frisco PD after several years of high turnover. 

But here’s the twist: Business checks not related to bars were down 54 percent this year. Cops were spending less time at places like Walmart and gift shops, and more time at Frisco watering holes.