Bad habits or bad drivers? Troopers survey Colorado about speeding, seatbelts, more
When’s the last time you had dinner at the wheel? If you’re like 73% of Colorado drivers you’ve chowed down in the past week. Colorado
When’s the last time you had dinner at the wheel? If you’re like 73% of Colorado drivers you’ve chowed down in the past week. Colorado
Think you’re getting out of trouble by refusing a roadside? Think again. Colorado State Patrol is cracking down on suspected drunken drivers who refuse a
I-70 is a lot of things, including (mostly) predictable. Traffic at the Eisenhower-Johnson tunnels fell to a five-month low this past weekend, Oct. 18-20. Just
Are truckers to blame for most commercial vehicle crashes on Colorado roads? Colorado state patrol says no. New data from CSP shows about one-third of
This past year was the deadliest in history for people walking or biking along Colorado roads. “Getting hit by a car seems about as likely
Numbers are in from the final weekend of September, and it was officially the fourth-busiest weekend of the year on I-70, according to the CDOT
A diesel pickup truck burst into flames this morning on eastbound I-70 approaching the Eisenhower Johnson tunnels, as it was towing a box truck. The
Months after approval, and just one week after another wreck, the speed limit through Blue River is officially 45 miles per hour. The town installed
Rock scaling and blasting on CDOT’s $700 million Floyd Hill project will shut down I-70 up to six times per day this October. CDOT tells
Swan Mountain Road needs serious TLC. “It is our most important highway,” Summit Road and Bridge Director Robert Jacobs told county commissioners today. “It is
Phil Lindeman brings you daily reports that are vital to the people who live, work and play in Summit County. He is also the only local radio news director in the county. Phil says, “I’m honored to man the news studio at Krystal 93, bringing you the latest, breaking news from every corner of Summit County.”