Rocky Mountains spared by recent record heat 

May was the hottest in modern history across the globe. But not here in the Rocky Mountains. 

National Weather Service claims average global temperature this May was roughly 60 degrees Fahrenheit, 2 degrees warmer than the 20th century average.  

But western North America, including Summit County and most of the Rockies, was one of the few geographic regions not sweltering through record heat. Joining us with temperatures at or below average were western Greenland, southern South America, western Russia, and parts of eastern Antarctica.  

Average temperature this May at the Krystalized Weather Station in Dillon was 42.6 degrees Fahrenheit, 4 degrees cooler than last year.  

Going back even further, this May was one of the coldest in the past century in Summit.  

For this one we looked at the Colorado Climate Center through CSU. Record keeping at the Dillon 1E weather station goes back to 1910 and the average high temp there this May was 55.5 degrees, 2 degrees colder than the past 30 years, 3 degrees colder than the past 100 years.