Study: Save the earth, ride an electric scooter 

A new study claims electric scooters are the most efficient mode of green transportation. 

Researchers at Colorado State University looked at “limiting greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle” of transportation, and found that e-scooters are better than buses, e-bikes and even walking.  

Public transit is great, but only when the buses are full — and they rarely are.  

Public e-bikes are good too, but they’re larger than scooters and eat up more energy. (Town-funded e-bike programs return this summer Breckenridge and Vail, where e-bikes are way easier to ride on bumpy roads and steep terrain.) 

And walking? Scooters take you further, faster, and researchers say you won’t eat as much food to fuel a scooter trip. They even considered the impact of food production.  

Read the full article from the Colorado Sun